Suche in
Atkin, Charles K.: Garramone, Gina M.: The role of foreign news coverage in adolescent political socialization. [1984]
Atkin, Charles K.: Hocking, John: Block, Martin: Teenage drinking. Does advertising make a difference? [1984]
Meyer, Manfred (Hrsg.): Atkin, Charles K. (Mitarb.): Kline, F. Gerald (Mitarb.): Pavlik, John V. (Mitarb.): MacCron, Robin (Mitarb.): u.a.: Education pour la sante par la television et la radio. Contributions a une conference internationale. [1983]
Atkin, Charles K.: Greenberg, Bradley S.: MacDermott, Steven: Television and race role socialization. [1983]
Greenberg, Bradley S.: Atkin, Charles K.: Learning about minorities from television. A research agenda. [1982]
Buerkel-Rothfuss, Nancy L. (Mitarb.): Greenberg, Bradley S. (Mitarb.): Atkin, Charles K. (Mitarb.): u.a.: Learning about the family from television. [1982]
Atkin, Charles K.: Miller, M. Mark: Parental mediation of children's television news learning. [1981]
Atkin, Charles K.: Greenberg, Bradley S.: Korzenny, Felipe: MacDermott, Steven: Selective exposure to televised violence. [1979]
Atkin, Charles K.: Greenberg, Bradley S.: MacDermott, Steven: Race and social role learning from television. [1979]
Culley, James D.: Lazer, William: Atkin, Charles K.: The experts look at children's television. [1976]
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